How the vibrations of the sound therapy PRIMUSONA work in people suffering from Parkinson’s disease
The main symptoms of Parkinson’s are:
– Sedentary lifestyle (bradykinesia)
– Shaking *(tremor)
– Muscle stiffness (rigor)²
– Gait or balance problems (postural instability) ³.
The side symptoms of Parkinson’s are:
Sleep disorders, mental disorders, swallowing disorders, bladder problems, gastrointestinal disorders, sexual disorders, circulatory disorders, various forms of pain as well as increased sebum production and excessive sweating.
When it comes to choosing therapy, there are logically several approaches!
* How Parkinson’s disease can be viewed and treated from a vibrating perspective.

Parkinson’s patient at the sound session
As already indicated, the vibration that enables an improvement in Parkinson’s is also listed in the PRIMUSONA tone assignment tables.
The list on this CD also includes the stomach, the spine, the wrists, the calves, blood pressure regulation, the larynx, better oxygen delivery to the brain and much more. m..
Since the vibrations transmitted during the sound sessions also include the spectrum of the fifth, this sound therapy is considerably expanded.
The fifth automatically gets the liver, the hypophysis, the upper abdomen, the bronchi and much more. m. also transmitted or offered vibrations for resorption.
A fantastic possibility for therapy results from the clinical picture of tremor.
„Similia similibus curentur“ can not only be used for substances, the vibrations of „rotating“ hand and „rotating“ foot can also be very useful for diagnosis.
For this you need the number of tremor movements per minute.
The individual therapy tone can now be calculated using a special formula.
Dagmar B., 57 years old, diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease since December 2012
In September 2016 I had the opportunity to attend a few sessions on the PRIMUSONA sound lounger with Mr. Pius Vögel.
During the first 3 sessions we tried 3 different tones, all of which were very good for me. After the treatments I felt more flexible and also had more energy.
However, slight tension was still visible on the side of the body affected by Parkinson’s and a slight resting tremor was still present. Mr. Vögel asked me to count the tremor beats for the next session.
During the fourth treatment, Mr. Pius Vogel converted the tremor beats I had previously counted into the appropriate frequency and selected the corresponding tone.
The result of the treatment with this tone (CD 7) was overwhelming, I felt an immediate improvement in muscle tension on the affected side of the body.
The effect of the sound bed treatment continued into the night. I woke up around 2am as all the muscle tension in my body gently released. This process was very comfortable and the next morning I was very flexible and still felt the increased muscle activity.
The next session took place on the same day and during the night again caused muscle relaxation in the shoulder area and in the arms, with the arm on the affected side also tingling, as if small blisters were about to burst. I also found these processes to be very pleasant. The increased muscle activity and mobility were also noticeable and visible the next morning.
Another session followed that day with the selected sound (CD 7), that night the remaining tension in the arm affected by Parkinson’s was released. This release was a bit uncomfortable this time, but not so painful that I couldn’t stand it could and also subsided after a while, so that I was able to continue sleeping. In the morning I was completely pain-free, and I could still feel the improved muscle activity and mobility.
I had further sessions with the sound (CD 7) over the next few days to stabilize the success of the treatment, the nights that followed remained without any incidents worth mentioning.
In order to be able to continue this wonderful therapy at home, I bought a sound lounger and took it with me right away.
I’ve been using it every day since then and I’m over the moon because I’m feeling so much better. My physiotherapist, who hadn’t seen me for 4 weeks, immediately noticed that I looked much more relaxed and during the treatment she noticed that my muscle tension had noticeably reduced.
The couch is also used by my family and friends (including a breast cancer patient) and they are all enthusiastic about the beneficial effects of the tones.
Report end
100 days later, Mrs. Dagmar B. received the following message:
heartMy sound lounger heart
Thanks to the sound therapy applications on my Primusona sound lounger, I’m almost as good as before the diagnosis was made.
Thanks to the inventor Pius Vögel for this ingenious therapy device.
Thanks to my husband Jürgen, who always supported me and made it possible for me to purchase this great lounger.
Report end
The vibrations of the scale can also be assigned to the elements. Since we now consist of the four elements, this observation can also be very helpful in finding the therapy tone.
1 This shows that the vibration against the tremo-Parkinson is half a tone lower than the actual therapy tone. A half tone lower means it is closer to the earth element. This means further: The vibration contributes to the stability, so that the tremo is reduced.
2 In rigor-Parkinson the stiffening has to be relieved. Here the tone closer to the Waaser element is more effective. This should also apply to Freezing Parkinson’s. Example: Wet wood can also be bent better than dry wood.
3 In Parkinson’s disease, which manifests itself as disturbances in the holding and righting reflexes, the CD that is closer to the earth element is certainly appropriate. As already mentioned, the earth element means more stability.
Report by C. May-Baumgarten
Sound therapy with the sound chair
I’ve owned a Pius Vogel sound chair for a few weeks and before that I had the pleasure of enjoying the Primusona sound lounger several times with a dear friend.
It is a very unusual and wonderful form of treatment.
The vibration of the oscillations are such a great benefit for the body that it shows it to you with well-being and healing.
Together with Pius Vögel, I have also combined the sound chair with the foot swing and it is a very intensive sound experience for body and soul.
My husband suffers from Parkinson’s disease and its after-effects – he uses the combination of sound chair and foot sound board regularly and the participants in our Parkinson’s self-help group are also happy to come and report some spectacular results. The extremely severe tremor in the right arm of one patient went away completely during the session.
For myself, I enjoy the greatest freedom from pain in my knees and the better blood circulation in my legs.
There is the right tone for almost every symptom and a noticeable relief.
Pius Vögel offers very competent and loving support in all questions – whether health-related or technical.
I am enthusiastic about the sound therapy according to Pius Vögel and I would like to bring it closer to people here in my environment.
I have been familiar with alternative healing methods for 30 years and work with people with them – this sound therapy according to Pius Vogel is a further enrichment in my repertoire and a blessing for mankind.
A big THANK YOU to the inventor Pius.

Pius Vögel, inventor of the sound therapy PRIMUSONA

Person using PRIMUSONA sound therapy
PRIMUSONA has vibrations that can improve the lives of people suffering from Parkinson’s disease.